High Mountains - Hochgebirge
Aletsch-glacier in Switzerland seen from the South.
Aletsch-Gletscher in den Schweizerischen Alpen.
Rakaposhi Mountain, Karakorum Range, Pakistan.
Strangely shaped mountain range seen from Karakoram Highway while appoaching Sust.
High desert of Sinkiang province, China, meets icefield of towering Mustagh Ata mountain range. Picture taken from Chinese part of the Karakorum highway leading through the Pamir mountains.
Here, the former Silk Road crosses the mountain ranges separating eastern Asia from western Asia.
Another famous mountain crossing: the old Sankt-Gotthard route in the Alpes, Switzerland.
die alte Kopfsteinpflasterstraße der Sankt-Gotthard-Alpenquerung
This photograph is quite interesting from climatological and geophysical point of view.
The upper mountain range lacks vegetation due to cold weather conditions. The lower plains in front of the mountain lack vegetation due to dry conditions. The result is a small belt of forest vegetation, where precipitation and temperature allow good growing conditions. Right at the end of the plains there is a huge fault that has been created by a strong earthquake. The picture shows Lost River Range near Leslie, Idaho, USA.
Rough and high mountains usually rise into zones of permenant underground freezing. This photograph from Iceland shows flowing of mountain slopes due to permafrost conditions.